
Here is a brief list of web pages I have worked on.


This is the page I'm most proud of, since I designed and built it completely from scratch. It utilizes HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery; it is also fully W3C compliant. It is, of course, a work in progress. All the graphics (excluding the social media logos) were designed and created by me using Photoshop.

R Brian Redd.com

Reliable Renewable Technology

This is an example of converting a Photoshop PSD file into a fully functional (albeit for demonstration purposes only) website. It is near pixel-perfect to the source PSD and is identical for all browsers going back to IE6. It is also fully W3C compliant. This was my first attempt, so there are some coding decisions that are less than optimal. I corrected these in my second version (this version also supports CSS3 Media Queries).

Reliable Renewable Technology

Various Olive Software "skins"

In my tenure at Olive Software, I have built, edited, corrected, and designed a great number of Olive customer sites (known in-house as "skins"). While I cannot take credit for the architecture of these skins, I have done a tremendous amount of working with them. They are ASP/ASPX.NET based, with copious amounts of HTML, JavaScript, and XML/XSL thrown in (in fact, the data store Olive uses is XML).

USA Today Digital Edition

Olive Internal "QA Authenticator" Webtool

In addition to my work with Olive client front-end sites, I also built a number of internally used webtools. The QA Authenticator is one. By using a JSON data store, this tool is able to list, filter, and sort a great number of Olive's customer sites and generate "authenticating" URLs usable by Olive Production, Sales, and Support in order to access these skins without the need to sign-in to each site.

I also built an editor tool that is used to manage the JSON data store.

A limited version of the Authenticator page has been made available to Olive clients to help them manage their publications. However, these are secure web tool that are not publicly available.

Olive QA Authenticator

Zane's Tower

In the early 'oughts', I found myself unemployed. I took advantage of the free time to teach myself JavaScript. "Zane's Tower" is the result. Based in part on a text-based BASIC game I wrote in high school (for my Commodore 64), "Zane's Tower" is an adventure game based on a customizable randomly- generated tower. Your goal: escape.

NOTE: This game is ten years old, and was designed for IE5(!). You have been warned! (It is my goal to rewrite this in some of the shinier, more modern code now available -- HTML5 and jQuery in particular).

Zane's Tower

Roborally Online

Roborally (© Wizards of the Coast) is a board game I fell in love with in the mid '90's, and I had always thought it would translate well to the web. This is my attempt to do just that. It is built with CSS3, jQuery, and some other JS libraries (including jQueryUI). This was also my first attempt at programming artificial intelligence (the robot opponents try and make decisions that are not completely random, although they are not as "intelligent" as I'd like.
